I’m delighted to let you all know that a new, gorgeous edition of From A Paris Balcony has been published in the US today! The book is available from all good bookstores and leading retailers. I think the cover is absolutely gorgeous, and I’m honoured to have this beautiful new edition out in the world…. Read more
So thrilled to share the release this week of the German translation of FROM A PARIS BALCONY. It is called LOUISA’S VERMACHTNIS. Thank you to the publishers, translator and to everyone who put in such a tremendous effort to get this story into Germany. I appreciate it. xx
Sharing some book club questions for From a Paris Balcony, as requested by a reader today… Parisian courtesans during the Belle Epoque are generally accepted to have been some of the first women to have management of their own lives. The issue of courtesans also highlighted the dual attitudes toward women at the time, and… Read more
I have been appreciating the warm summer weather here enormously while having breaks from an intense round of edits of SECRET SHORES- my fourth novel due for release in September with Lake Union Publishing. We are about to look at cover designs which is exciting and I’m delighted to be talking a bit more about… Read more
How fast the year is flying! It seems that it is all happening, and one of the nicest things of all is that we have the cover design for From a Paris Balcony, my third novel, to share with you here. The book is set partly in Paris during the late nineteenth century’s Belle Epoque,… Read more
Back from a fascinating research trip for book four. The setting grew on me while I was there- kind of crept up and is lingering with me still. The owners were incredibly generous with their time, stories, kindness and beautiful food, and I have more stories, breath-taking history and mysterious ghost stories than I can… Read more
Delighted to share the title of my third novel with you. It is going to be called FROM A PARIS BALCONY and will be released with Lake Union Publishing in October 2016. Having the title in place is a gorgeous thing- next will be cover designs. I adore all the creative aspects of producing a… Read more