
Life in 1930s Germany

I find every aspect of writing a novel most enjoyable, but carrying out research is an especially pleasing part of my work. When researching The House By The Lake, I became utterly drawn into life in 1930’s Germany. Of course, for the majority of the population, things were simply tough. The great depression, the fallout… Read more

Giovanni Boldini and the Belle Époque

Giovanni Boldini painted Marthe de Florian at the age of twenty-four in 1888. He was described in a 1933 article in Time Magazine as the “master of swish.” The painting of Marthe de Florian certainly involves a certain amount of ‘swish.’ But who was Boldini? You could be forgiven for not having heard of him-… Read more

Parisian Courtesans

Les Courtesans were celebrities during Paris’ Belle Époque. Their taste dictated fashion, they were the ultimate Parisian women and yet they were the trophy companions of powerful men. Courtesans held great power themselves, and yet, in many ways they did not. The duality of their role was extraordinary- these were les demimondaines, the courtesans of… Read more

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